Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Lion King

Seen this movie more than 10 times this week. So far I've been able to annoy Ethan by chanting "Simba" after a character says it and by coming up with back stories for Rafiki, the baby giraffe and the rhino that sits on Zazoo. Help. Me.

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

That's the Spirit

In the spirit of the 2010 FIFA World Cup I'd like to share this video with you. It has just a few reasons I can't stand to watch a soccer game. Can't players win based on athletic talent rather than acting skills?

My Mom Kicked My Butt Via Cell Phone

I'm starting this blog thing up again. Let me tell you why:

My Mom caught me making up excuses yesterday. I was making up excuses as to why I'm not doing more with my life right now. Yikes. Don't get me wrong, I like my job, but is this what I want to do for the next 30 Years of my life? Hmm....

The conversation went something like this-

It's hard for me to get anything done with an eight to five and a baby.

You shouldn't stop working hard just because you have a family.

Yes but I need to be home with my son and I want to spend time with my husband.

Okay but you used to be able to fit more on your plate than your serving yourself now. You were so driven and you're getting complacent.

Okay, fine. I'm lazy. It's hard for me to get off my butt and write especially because it's been so long since I've written anything for publication.

So write all the crappy articles now and get them out of the way. Practice makes perfect.

Ugh, defeated! I just got told by my mother. Awesome. So I'm going to try to get off my butt and write. Hopefully I'll see my named published in something other than this blog. If I do, thank you Mom. If I don't, thank you anyway for making me at least put one foot forward.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Really Arizona?

It's been a long while since I've written, but I just have one question on my mind right now...

Really Arizona?

Gov. Jan Brewer signed a law condemning illegal immigrants as criminals last Friday. The law has since stirred up a cacophony of debate. Under the law police officers can detain anyone who cannot present proof of legal residency or citizenship. To be fair the law does say "where reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States, a reasonable attempt shall be made, when practicable, to determine the immigration status of the person". In practice, however, this really means next to nothing. The wording of this important statement is so vague I don't know if I'd be questioned if I were standing on a day-laborer corner looking for work, if I were wearing my Mexico soccer jersey during the World Cup coming up in June, or if I had a "suspicious-looking" tan.

Don't get me wrong, I definitely don't think we should open the floodgates and let anyone into our country without going through proper procedure, but this is not "A Step In the Right Direction" like Tyler Moree expresses in his U of Conn. Daily Campus opinion article. This is a step toward racism, stereotypes, South African Apartheid and Nazi Germany-like catastrophe.

Now Rev Al Sharpton and San Fransisco along with others have called for a boycott of the state. I think it's a great idea. Do it. Vacationers and businessmen have already cancelled hotel reservations and business trips. I laughed when I read that one man was afraid to take his family to Arizona because his son is a construction worker and is very suntanned. I'm sure he's harmless, but this comment makes it obvious that when people think of immigrants one picture comes to mind.

Will blond-haired, blue-eyed Polish immigrants be questioned as well?

One politician makes a good point when he said moving illegal immigrants out of jobs will free up positions so legal residents and citizens will be able to find work more easily. That's wonderful! I hope everything works out when prices skyrocket when company CEO's find they cannot hire citizens for $9.50 an hour doing manual labor.

Even though I wish all jobs could be filled by legal, taxpaying, self-sufficient American citizens and residents (or at least an undocumented worker with a Tax ID Number), I'd hate to pay 3x's more than I am paying now for my groceries, etc. Yes, I know that makes me part of the problem but it's hard to eliminate yourself from the problem if you live in Middle-class America.

Okay, getting off the point now. Arizona must find another outlet.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Changing Paths

We've all heard the metaphor of being on a "path" in life. I was on a solitary path for almost 20 years of my life. Thinking the only thing I would ever hold dear to me was my mother, my career and my two cats. In other words, I thought I was going to forever be the career oriented single woman much like the Carrie Bradshaw-s of this day.

I was happy and couldn't understand anyone who said "All I've ever wanted is a family". UGH! Crazy talk, I told myself.

Then I met "The One". Suddenly I was seriously thinking about having a kid with this man...maybe I'm interested in coordinating colors in "our new place".

I was sitting on my sofa after a day of a cross-town commute to the office, doing laundry, dishes, dinner and bathing Ethan. While watching my Hubby play with Ethan the thought of staying home full-time with my baby creeped up to the forefront of my mind once again. It would be so nice to wake up to the sound of Ethan cooing "Mama", keeping up with the house, making dinner and going on outings with him.

My path has changed. It's neither better nor worse than what I thought I wanted before my 20th birthday. God has moved me. That's what I contribute it to anyway.

Hopefully it will happen and I will be trying something new. A new life.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


So it's late this time around, but hopefully in ten years (and in this census as well) Afro-Latinos will help voice the fact that not all Latinos have caramel skin. We are a people made up of many different races, cultures and skin tones!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Census 2010

Open up the Census (the first one I've ever had to fill out) and what do I find? An envelope full of insecurities.

I thought the Census was a way to get a head count not a way to force categories upon people. It makes me so confused!

Question No.8: Is person 1 of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin?
My Answer: Yes, yes and yes

No problem, it even has a "Yes, Mexican, Mexican Am. or Chicano" box. Woohoo! So far so good.

Question No. 9: What is person No. 1's race?
Uh-oh starting to get a bit uncomfortable.
White, Black, American Indian...
Ummm, no.
Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino...
Made it through the list without seeing a "race" that I can check.

I don't consider myself "white". Actually, I don't think any Latino under the age of 39 considers himself "white". This mentality courtesy of the Latino identity revolution called College. *Can't speak for every brown person in the US but this definitely applies to me*

I finally broke down and checked "other" and wrote in "Mexican-American". Yes I realize that is a nationality but it was what I was comfortable with.

What else would I do other than say "I'm in the Human Race" which is true but I can't take the easy way out. I'd like to be proud of my race without thinking someone will use this information to screw me in the end?

What does it matter if I'm brown, white, yellow, orange or blue? No matter how many Latinos, Caucasians, African-Americans, Asians, etc. there are in a community, that community should have and must have the opportunity to a great education, good health care and a political voice.

I read that one of the main reasons Latinos should complete the Census is so we can have a proportionate number of Latinos in a political seat. This is ridiculous. Although I'm all for Hispanics *I shudder at the word* striving to succeed in whatever it is their chosen career is, shouldn't a politician do what is in their constituents best interest even if they are of a different race?

If the "race question" really has that much of an impact on my life then I think I should be very frightened.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where To Go From Here

For some reason God has chosen to bless me with a great sense of peace and at the same time a drive to learn more about everything I possibly can and improve myself.

The thing is, I don't know where to go with it. Ever have that happen? These feelings are part of the reason I started this blog but I'm still not sure what it's translating into. I'm getting kinda' frustrated with myself. DON'T become stagnant, DON'T get sidetracked, DON'T stop supporting myself. Ahhh!

I heard a random comment whilst channel surfing the radio this morning about a "Life Coach". I started to think, "Wow, can someone make a career out of telling others what to do with their lives?" I definitely do not want to get to the point where I think I need that much direction from someone else. The idea of paying someone to do that for me is sort of scary (am I just being a paranoid "conspiracy theorist" here? Someone back me up).

Hopefully I can find it in myself to be a self-motivator because having someone, like a Life Coach, doing it for me is just absurd. I've forced myself to start an exercise routine and eat better but my brain is still screaming for something to do.

If God chooses to open a door I have to make a decision to walk through it.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Driving Home

On my way home after work I noticed a bumper sticker I'd never seen before. It said "Buck Ofama" in the same design as Obama's "Hope" campaign stickers.

I'm going to say something I've been very tight-lipped about--especially at work. I did not vote for Barack Obama. It's not that I don't like the guy, I just find myself leaning a little to the right since I started my career and my family.

That said, when I saw this sticker on the back of the beat up old ford truck that had more colors than it should have I was enraged.

How could someone be so rude to another human being? The statement wasn't funny or witty. It was plain disrespectful.

He is now the President of the United States and even though I didn't vote for him I am trying my best to support him through prayer and "Hope" and I also respect him. He won. That's it. No ifs, ands or buts about it. If anyone choses not to support him in one way or another, fine. But chosing words as negative as what I saw driving home from work is tacky and doesn't get us anywhere.

Go out, vote, write your Congressman and made your voice heard for an issue (or issues) that you're passionate about. And also, come up with a better way to express yourself even if it is through a bumper sticker! Respect one another, especially people like Barack Obama who have the courage and drive to make something of themselves and represent an oppressed group of people as well as he has.

That's all for now. Just had to get that off my chest.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Personal Dia de la Mujer

Monday was "el Día Internacional de la Mujer Trabajadora". Woohoo! I don't think half of the people in my office knew about it. I didn't know until Tuesday. Either way I want to contribute to this day and to the month-March is National Women's History Month- by focusing on, praising and thanking God for a few women I know personally...

Thuy Mi- This woman is a rock star and she knows it! She is a proud mother of one and a fashion diva. It always amazed me how feminine she can be while belching so loud neighbors wanted to see what the ruckus was. Part of being a woman keeping up with our health and body. Thuy always works hard to make sure she and her beautiful baby girl are healthy and it translates into physical beauty any woman would turn green for.

Viririana- Don't get in her way people! This woman will not let anything get in her way. She is also one of the nicest people I've met. Don't ask me how she does it, because I don't know!!!! How do you DO it? She says she is ready for whatever comes her way because of her faith. She worked very hard throughout her life and now she moved away from her family, friends and everything she knows to start a life for herself with her dream job in tow. Good luck in Florida, Babeeeee! She is one brave "Hot Mama". If there is anyone to look up to, it's her.

Raquel (Tia Kelly)- She is a miracle. My Tia is a breast cancer survivor and more. Let me explain. It is one thing to survive through an event in your life, it is something more to look family and friends with a beautiful smile and genuine happiness throughout the ordeal. Kelly's love for life inspires me to get off my butt and do something with my life. While she was too weak to stand on her own and her body was suffering the effects of chemo, her amazing spirit broke through it's physical boundaries and showed its strength to anyone who would offer an eye. Now, she has recovered, her gorgeous silver hair has grown back and she continues to take classes in whatever tickles her fancy. Thank you, Tia for showing me what it really is like to have faith.

Carmen (Mom)- I can't put into words how amazing this woman is. "Superwoman" is the only thing I can think of. She has given up almost everything to help my sister and I succeed and achieve everything and anything we want. She was laid off when I was in elementary school and she showed me that she would turn that negative into a positive. She went back to school to become a medical assistant and now she loves her career. She's suffered divorce, cancer, depression, physical, mental and spiritual pain in the hopes that, through prayer, her sacrifices would serve to better the life for her family. She is my personal number one Hero. Every mom should be a hero to her children.

These women are fighters, achievers, lovers and so much more. I know many more women who deserve to share their fantastic stories, but for the moment this will have to do.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I'm So Damn Old

Okay so maybe 23 isn't the best time to have a "mid-life crisis" but I think it's happening anyway.

It all started with my husband's cousin's quincenera. We were having an excellent time until the reggaeton music started. As kids are expected to do, many of the 15-year-old's friends bunch up in a raging ball of hormones in the middle of the dimly-lit dance floor. Juan and I jumped to our feet to start dancing too. We were salsa-ing, mambo-ing, gyrating, twisting and even just plain jumping on the side of the dance floor.
It happened... we were the old couple still trying to be cool in the mists of a new generation pushing is aside on the metaphorical dance floor.

Since then, I've been slowly falling apart. I've noticed my hands getting dryer (I've heard it's a sign of age), my face getting dimmer and my mind growing stagnant while watching the same episode of "Family Guy" for the third time. I even have trouble standing up straight after picking up my not-so-little "Little Man-Ethan".
My diet is horrid, I'm almost a couch potato and I've read only fiction books since I graduated.

Well no more!
Last week I bought my first ever night re-firming cream and am doing well so far with remembering to apply it every night.
I'm reading more non-fiction and getting up at 5 AM to exercise. This new blog, my new Facebook profile and my oscillating conviction to start a Twitter account is also part of this new renaissance.
I'm also hoping to start yoga since there is nothing yoga can't cure- or so I hear- and am going to start running like Phoebe in that one episode of "Friends". Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about!

Also, I've found out that taking pictures of myself makes me feel younger & better. I don't know why. Maybe it's because it reminds me of how vain I was in late high school and early college.

Wish me luck, I'll let you know how I'm doing after a month or so of trying to be "young again" and let me know if you have any suggestions!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

LA Gang Tours

I've been reading about a new tourist attraction in South Central LA. That's right, for $65 anyone can take an escorted tour through the rough-'n-tumble streets that is "Gang Culture".

I first thought it was an awesome idea. What better way to scare anyone out of a certain lifestyle than to show them the effects of some people's decisions?

Then I started to read more about it and the more I do, the more the idea enrages me. Ex-gang member Alfred Lomas' hope is to rebuild his community by donating any income gained through the Gang Tours back to the community. I understand the thought he had is probably genuinely loving and caring but I'm not sure I agree with the means to the end.

The website,, glamorizes the lifestyle. One example is the list of famous prisoners at the LA County Jail:
Robert Downey Jr., Rick James, Suge Knight, etc.

According to the LA Times, the tour also includes such events as a dance-off between community members. The winner gets cash prizes from tourists!

Other than being a continuation of the stereotyped gang lives actors portray in Hollywood, I also am not sure where the revenue is really going. If it goes back into the community and a large percentage of that community is made up of gang members (the tour focuses on Florencia 13, Crips, Bloods and Grape St) wouldn't the money end up in the hands of gang members anyway?

I truly hope I am wrong and Lomas succeeds and pulls his beloved community out of poverty, violence and hatred.

Let me know what you think. I'd love to have someone change my mind.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Diving In... After Testing the Water

So this is my first Blog posting. I'm a 23 going on 24-year old college graduate who is waaay behind the times as far as social media goes. I consider myself at least moderately intelligent but for some reason any kind of computer based technology or advancement has eluded me and even given me the willies. I can't explain it. All I know is that I'm wishing for the Good-'Ol-Days of Oregon Trail while I'm forcing myself to start write this.
I'm nervous even now but I guess I had it coming. I'm not sure what this Blog is going to be about or who would want to read it, but in the end I suppose it will lead me to my true self and maybe lead some of my social media-lagging friends toward the light:)
Hopefully this will become a daily routine for me.

Wish me luck!