Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Mom Kicked My Butt Via Cell Phone

I'm starting this blog thing up again. Let me tell you why:

My Mom caught me making up excuses yesterday. I was making up excuses as to why I'm not doing more with my life right now. Yikes. Don't get me wrong, I like my job, but is this what I want to do for the next 30 Years of my life? Hmm....

The conversation went something like this-

It's hard for me to get anything done with an eight to five and a baby.

You shouldn't stop working hard just because you have a family.

Yes but I need to be home with my son and I want to spend time with my husband.

Okay but you used to be able to fit more on your plate than your serving yourself now. You were so driven and you're getting complacent.

Okay, fine. I'm lazy. It's hard for me to get off my butt and write especially because it's been so long since I've written anything for publication.

So write all the crappy articles now and get them out of the way. Practice makes perfect.

Ugh, defeated! I just got told by my mother. Awesome. So I'm going to try to get off my butt and write. Hopefully I'll see my named published in something other than this blog. If I do, thank you Mom. If I don't, thank you anyway for making me at least put one foot forward.

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